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Today is a VERY special day…June 18th. For this year, it marks a couple of milestones. First, today is the last day of school since Justin graduated Kindergarten yesterday. I simply cannot believe that we now have a 1st grader. Crazy….but more importantly, today…is Justin’s 6th birthday!!!

Now as many of you know, I have to keep up with my “tradition” to writing a little bit about each birthday boy each year. 😉 I love looking back each year to see how much he’s grown, changed and what has stayed the same.

As a mother, of course I will always remember the day he was born. Bright eyed and he was wide awake for quite some time after he was born because he was too busy looking around. haha Now, he’s 6 yrs old.

He finished his first year in Kindergarten and will be in 1st grade next year. He’s lost TWO teeth already and his top two are almost ready to come out! If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, it’s usually a “hockey player”, he LOVES to catch frogs, bugs and worms, practice soccer & baseball. Justin could play outside ALL day if he has the chance, to play in the dirt, sprinklers or water guns. The crazy boy even loves to do yard work…he sure doesn’t take after me with that one. LOL

It’s amazing to see how much Justin grows each year…both physically, emotionally and academically. He is now pretty social with people and was dubbed the “class clown”…figures. 😛 But we couldn’t be more proud of Justin and that only grows with each passing day.

So with that, I’ll say “Happy Birthday, Justin! Mommy, Daddy, Zachary & Baby Tyler love you!!”

Justin on the day he was born....

Happy 6th Birthday, Justin!

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