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Monthly Archives: July 2009

I was very excited when Doreen from “Delectables By Doreen” contacted me.  She asked me to photograph some of her chocolates, goodies and cakes for her business and I was thrilled because…hey, who doesn’t love to be SURROUNDED by chocolate?!  HAHA, but also, because this was my very first product to photograph.

Delectables by Doreen is a WONDERFUL idea if you don’t know what to get that special someone for a nice “Thank You” gift, Thinking of You gift, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, baby & bridal showers, wedding gifts, wedding favors for receptions and the list can go on and on!  Why spend a ton of money on little trinkets for favors when you can have a delicious and mouth-watering goodie to savor, right?!

Doreen makes all kinds of beautiful goodies from chocolate truffles, turtles, caramel pyramids, coconut macaroons, little cakes, chocolate bars…man, I could go on forever!  Below is a small sample of what she creates and a few of my favorites from the session. 

If you are interested in contacting Doreen, a website will be coming in the future so for now, you may contact here at

Candies 003

Candies 021

Candies 049

Candies 060

Candies 067

Candies 073

Candies 156

Candies 203

Candies 210

Candies 221

Tani & David were married this past Saturday at Linden Place in Bristol, RI.  I’ve been looking forward to this wedding for quite some time because this was the first time I’ve had the honor to photograph here.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Linden Place, it’s a beautiful, historic building surrounding by lovely antiques (although too bad we couldn’t sit on a lot of the great stuff there. lol) and the grounds were very pretty as well. 

Here are a few quick picks of my faves from their wedding day:

Tani & David 002

Tani & David 017

Tani & David 051

Tani & David 067 (hf gold)

Tani & David 130 (B&W)

Tani & David 099 (soft sun)

Tani & David 236

Tani & David 240

Tani & David 307 (B&W)

Tani & David 481-1

I am so VERY excited to finally have some new music on my website!  I was tired of the same ol’ songs that are available to everyone or that royalty-free elevator music. 😉  Just not for me.  I came across a songwriter by the name of Chad Beall on another forum that I visit and was blown away by the words of his songs and the emotion that comes through each one.  Especially the one called “Dedications”…which would be a PERFECT First Dance for a bride & groom. 

So I contacted Chad Beall to see if he would be willing to let me use his song on my website and you can only imagine my excitement when he wrote back saying he’d love the opportunity!  He also mentioned that he writes songs for bridal couples (or anyone for that matter) pertaining to their story.  Meaning, you tell him things about your relationship, life, etc…and he will PERSONALLY write a song JUST for YOU.  How awesome would that be?!  I only wish he was around when I got married…. =)

So, I HIGHLY recommend checking out his music, bio and for more info on Chad at  Take some time to listen to his songs, I hope you love them as much as I did!

Here is a sneak peek for Christine and her family. I used to work with Christine a few years ago and also had the pleasure of photographing her wedding. So of course, I was stoked when she contacted me to do a family session of Mike, lil’ Cameron and of herself. 😉

Here’s some of my faves from the session:

Christine Perreault 028 (V B&W)

Christine Perreault 037

Couldn’t resist this lil’ pout!

Christine Perreault 033 (B&W)

Christine Perreault 150 (B&W)

Christine Perreault 189 (wine)

Christine Perreault 197

On June 27th, I had the pleasure to photograph Samantha & Stuart’s wedding.  Now I have to admit, ever since they booked me, I’ve been waiting for this wedding. 🙂  Why?  Because I knew it was going to be a backyard reception at Stuart’s house and the ceremony was going to be in a small, quaint church nearby.  And most of all, it was near one of my favorite places in Rhode Island…Falls River Rd.  Much different than the church & receptions that I was used to.  It was great to do something different.  Plus, Samantha & Stuart have known each other since they were little…ya can’t get better than that! 😉

Samantha made such a beautiful bride and I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter couple than the two of them!  Congratulations to the newlyweds!  Here are a bunch of my faves from their day:

Samantha & Stuart 006

Samantha & Stuart 022

Samantha & Stuart 040

Samantha & Stuart 074 (soft sun)

Samantha & Stuart 730

Samantha & Stuart 286

Samantha & Stuart 278 (m sepia)

Samantha & Stuart 483

And at Stuart’s house, there was a great lil’ pond that kept the flowergirls and other lil’ girls attending VERY busy because there were a bunch of frogs in it.  Seeing how I’m a mother of two boys, I’m constantly going frog hunting with them.  So I had to post a few…

Samantha & Stuart 574 (V B&W)

And of course I had to ask her to pretend to kiss it…

Samantha & Stuart 575 (tint)

Samantha & Stuart 633

Samantha & Stuart 264 (LB hazel)

Tamron is sponsoring MCP Actions for their contest and the prize is a great lens!  Check it out here for more details!–-18-270mm-or-28-300mm/

I’ve been running a little behind with my “sneak peeks”. Sorry Christina! At the end of July, I photographed my first OpLove session. This is Christina and lil’ Claire. How adorable is she?! Christina’s husband, Jacob, is serving our country in Afghanistan. I pray he returns home quickly and safely to his friends and family.

If you are a photographer and haven’t joined the Operation: Love ReUnited organization, I highly recommend it. After all, it’s the least we can do for those putting their lives on the line for our freedom!

Here are a few of my faves from the session:

Claire 006 (soft sun)

Claire 019 (V B&W)

Claire 060

Claire 069 (V B&W)

Claire 078 (wine)

Claire 081

Claire 086

Claire 089 (V B&W)

So we officially moved into our new home last Tuesday and couldn’t be more thrilled about it!  A couple of days ago, I snuck into our bedroom and found our siberian husky, Kyra, on our bed…just looking out the window, checking out our neighborhood.  I just couldn’t resist taking some photos of her.  The natural lighting was perfect and I wanted some “dramatic” photos of her.  Here they are:

Kyra 021

Kyra 028