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Monthly Archives: April 2010

We’re having our first giveaway contest on the Featured Photographers Blog!  Contest ends on Thursday at midnight and the winner will be chosen on Friday. 

Check it out and stay tuned for more future giveaways!

I had the pleasure of photographing Ariane & Mike’s wedding back in 2008 and I was THRILLED when Ariane emailed me months ago to tell me that they were expecting their first child and wanted to schedule a maternity session.  The lil’ boy in her belly is going to be one lucky boy to have Ariane & Mike as his parents….they are such a sweet couple and every time they look at each other, you can just see the little playful gleam of love in their eyes.

I have to say once again…that one of the greatest gifts in this business is to be able to photograph the most amazing days in a couple’s lives…their wedding day, their first born child and from there, family portraits.  I am truly blessed to capture those moments and be a part of memories that last forever…. 🙂

I wanted to share with you a few of my faves from today.  Enjoy!

Many of you already know this…but for those of you who may not know (or new to my blog), I’m happy to say that I am now 14 wks pregnant with our 3rd child. 🙂  Our boys are VERY excited about the baby and Zachary is always asking to listen for the baby (and says “Mommy, Baby says HI to me!”). lol 

We’ll be finding out if it’s a boy or girl in about 4-6 wks.  I’m leaning towards a boy but everyone else is telling me girl.  So, I guess only time will tell!  Time can’t go by fast enough though until we find out! HAHA  Many of my friends wanted to see an updated pic of my belly so….since my hubby is working tonight, I set everything up and my oldest son, Justin (almost 6 yrs old), took the photo.  He LOVES to “help” and take pictures.  😉  Hmmmm, I think I may have a future photographer on my hands!

Belly @ 14 wks

Hey everyone!  I am starting a new project for us photographers.  Being online, reading blogs, photography magazines, we tend to see the same photographers featured with their bios, stories, successes, etc etc. While all these are GREAT photographers and are WELL-WORTH the recognition that they get, I thought it would be a neat idea to take the time to research every state in the US and see what photographers are out there that are pros, who may not be well-known and their work is very worthy of being recognized.

I know that this will be a lot of work on my end, researching all the states but I think it’s a great idea to network, giving them the recognition they deserve, showing their work to other photogs for inspiration, possibly help them bring in more clients by doing this, etc.

And seeing that there are a MILLIONS of photogs around the US, I’m sure it may be difficult to find just a couple to interview. So, for those of you who may know of a “worthy” photographer to be recognized for their fabulous work, please contact me via email at or thru my website (  If we happen to chose the photog that you mentioned, we will in turn, showcase YOUR business with the same info and interview we conduct with the other photographer.

Ideally, I think it would be great to showcase one portrait photographer and one wedding photographer, as they are two completely different fields of expertise. But we shall see what each state brings.

I’ve asked a great fellow photographer friend of mine, Lynette of Exalt Photography, to help me with this, and together….we hope it becomes a FUN and INSPIRING journey. 

Visit & sign up for the email subscription to be updated with all the new posts!  Our very first photographer will be showcased tonight as well as another one on Sunday night!  Stay tuned and here’s the website to sneak a peek:

Get Schooled: School Portraiture is having a giveaway contest. Check it out!   Good luck if you enter, photographers! 🙂

Yesterday, I met good friends of ours, their sons and their in-laws (and their girls) at Homestead Gardens in North Smithfield.  Poor Andrew (approx 18 mths), wanted nothing to do with me, or the portraits…and who could blame him?!  He wanted to explore the grounds, pick flowers and pick up rocks like Hercules. 😉  All the kids had a blast running around and we all even dodged an angry swan who was about to attack us. :O  Man, was it mad!!! lol

Here’s a sneak peek of a few of my favorites from yesterday’s session.  Enjoy!

Hey photog friends!  Check out the giveaway at for the chance to win a ShootSac or MCP Actions set!  Good luck if you enter!

Yesterday, I met up with Vanessa, Scott and their adorable black lab named Brody.  I absolutely cannot wait for Vanessa & Scott’s wedding in June!  Not only is this couple beautiful inside and out, they are very sweet to work with and so easy-going!  I can just envision their wedding day portraits now and am anxious for the day to arrive!  I swear…sometimes I don’t know who is more excited about the wedding day…the bride or me. 😉

We had fabulous weather yesterday at Goddard Park and Brody had a blast running around everywhere.  I’m definitely not used to photographing with dogs so it was quite amusing for me (and thank you to Scott and Vanessa for having the patience of Brody’s curiousity and playfulness).  I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with the results. 😀

On that note, here are a few of my faves from last night’s engagement session…Hope you enjoy them!

Hey everyone!!  If you’re wedding or portrait session was in 2009 or 2010, there’s a FANTASTIC SALE on Gallery-Wrapped Canvases!  This is ONLY good until Thursday!  11x14s are only $130 and sizes go up from there!  Believe me when I say BIGGER IS BETTER (I have a 24×36 canvas of my boys in my dining area & it’s gorgeous!) Cash, check and PayPal accepted! 

Also, if you order a 2nd canvas (same image AND same size), the 2nd canvas is 50% off the SALE price!   Think gifts (Mother’s Day & Father’s Day will be coming soon!). 🙂

Email me here or thru my website to place your order!  This offer doesn’t last long!

Every day, my life is consumed by my two greatest passions:  Family and Photography.  I truly believe that I have the best job in the world.  Being a mother, allows me to view the world differently.  You learn to cherish those small moments in a child’s life that are so EXCITING to experience, yet it gives me the greatest feeling to be able to capture those moments for myself and for the families around me.

Being a wife, reminds me of all the details you have to think of to plan a wedding.  All those emotions and how the smallest moments can make a difference on one of the most important days of your life.  Being able to be a part of your day, capturing those moments that you may not even realize are happening…is what my love for photography is all about.  A playful moment like the flowergirl playing Tag-You’re-It!, the bride and groom sharing a secret look, to the tear that may run down the cheek of the couples’ parents.  THOSE are the moments that you will look back on for the rest of your life and smile to yourself because you will be able to relive that loving feeling you felt on that exact day.

Photography is a passion of mine.  Pieces of art that I cannot wait to pass on to you.  🙂