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On Wednesday, I had the honor to photograph a beautiful little girl and her lovely family.  I am a participating photographer of The Littlest Heroes Project, which is a non-profit organization made up of professional photographers that provide portrait sessions to our nation’s littlest heroes.  The children.  These amazing children have touched the lives of so many people and yet they don’t even realize it. 🙂  Children from all around the US that are struggling or have struggled with an illness or disability may be eligible for these sessions.  Please visit The Littlest Heroes Project website to find out more info and if you’re a photographer, I highly suggest becoming a part of this fantastic organization!

With that aside, here is Miss *R* and her family.  Miss *R* was diagnosed in 2008 with a rare liver cancer called Hepatoblastoma and now, she’s been in remission for almost a year and a half.  After meeting Miss *R* and her family, I can easily see how she could melt anyone’s heart. 

**More photos will be sent to TLH project team so keep an eye out to see if she is the Featured Hero!**

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