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Daily Archives: April 8th, 2010

Every day, my life is consumed by my two greatest passions:  Family and Photography.  I truly believe that I have the best job in the world.  Being a mother, allows me to view the world differently.  You learn to cherish those small moments in a child’s life that are so EXCITING to experience, yet it gives me the greatest feeling to be able to capture those moments for myself and for the families around me.

Being a wife, reminds me of all the details you have to think of to plan a wedding.  All those emotions and how the smallest moments can make a difference on one of the most important days of your life.  Being able to be a part of your day, capturing those moments that you may not even realize are happening…is what my love for photography is all about.  A playful moment like the flowergirl playing Tag-You’re-It!, the bride and groom sharing a secret look, to the tear that may run down the cheek of the couples’ parents.  THOSE are the moments that you will look back on for the rest of your life and smile to yourself because you will be able to relive that loving feeling you felt on that exact day.

Photography is a passion of mine.  Pieces of art that I cannot wait to pass on to you.  🙂